We are a social development organization registered under Indian Trust Act and headquartered in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Our journey started in the year 2012 with a humble initiative of employment generation among unemployed youth from the naxal affected districts of Odisha. With indomitable spirit to do good in the society and reducing the age old malaises afflicting our society we have grown manifold intervening into many critical issues as gender equality and women empowerment, skilling of unemployed/under employed youths, rural/urban sanitation etc. Our effort has been supported under corporate social responsibility by many corporates of repute, programmes of Government of Odisha and individual donations. Particularly our organization has made significant strides in building capacity among many Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and the marginalized section of the society to create livelihood and lead a dignified life. We have adopted and aligned to the seventeen sustainable developmental goals(SDG) fixed by UNO for the different communities with different stake holders and all our initiatives are directed in the framework of these goals
To inspire, enable and empower the rural and urban poor/marginalized people to improve their livelihoods and lead a dignified life through economic upliftment, education support, health services, food and nutrition support and advocacy/networking.
To inspire, enable and empower the youths of all gender to lead a dignified life under healthy environment.
Catalyst for poverty eradication, enhancement of employability, secure dignified life and sustainable growth.